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What Effects Can the Pandemic Have on Mental Health?


Stress is a natural response when any crisis happens, as any provider of mental health services in North Carolina will tell you. But, it rises dramatically when the crisis is unprecedented and affects everyone.

While the source of your stress has something to do with the pandemic, you need to pinpoint the exact reason behind it. This way, you’ll know how to cope with the mental health challenges you are experiencing and find a way to be kinder to yourself.

As a provider of mental healthcare in Fayetteville, North Carolina, we understand what you’re going through. Hence, with this list, we hope to help you acknowledge your fears and find ways to cope with them:

  • You’re Afraid of Getting Sick

    When you’re terrified of getting COVID, you might experience anxiety. This ongoing anxiety can make it difficult for you to fall asleep, eat, or do other daily activities.

    Staying at home, following social distancing protocols, and getting vaccinated can help alleviate this particular fear.

  • You Fear Social Isolation

    Social distancing helps you avoid the virus, but it also makes it difficult to keep your social battery full— even if you live with family.

    This is why it’s important to stay connected with loved ones, whether through video calls, chat, or other online activities.

  • You’re Grieving Someone or Something

    There are different types of grief— two examples are the grief of losing a job or losing a loved one. The loss has profound effects, regardless of the cause of your grief.

Admitting you need support with mental health during the pandemic is a sign of strength, not weakness. Contact Better Beginnings Healthcare Solutions for the mental or behavioral health services you need.

We also offer substance abuse counseling and other related services.

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